
21st July — joined new cliques, new diary entry, and also updated the game media log.

19th July — updated media log.

17th July — nvm i missed the pink. while i was at it, i just decided to remake my index too.

15th July — aesthetic overhaul, from pink to purple. featuring dark magician girl !!

15th July — new poll is live !!

14th July — also !! i made some new button graphics as a test, but i have no use for them, so they're up for free in the graphics page !!

14th July — a new template is live :D !!

13th July — more quiz results !!

13th July — achievement unlocked. also, to the person asking for "-jin" to be added to the fujo/dan clique, i've went ahead and added those graphics now !! you can find them on the page here !!

10th July — new template has been added !!

9th July — added a new recipe to my cookbook. also made a new quiz page.

9th July — updated my buttons page, and also remade all of my buttons to fit my new website theming !!

7th July — made an art gallery !! included are some of my most recent and most liked art pieces !!

6th July — removed the overall n current stats because i dislike them. they're cringe (on my site). NEXT !!

2nd July — new poll is live !! "i am scared of..." and i also added the winning results of the last poll below it !!

1st July — moved cliques n webrings to their own dedicated page, and replaced their space on the index with a todo list. edited the poll code a little.

1st July — added a new link— the blog. it leads to my bearblog which i abandoned and im now restarting. new entry posted today titled "Learned Helplessness (Within the indieweb scene)". my previous old entries still exist too if you wanna read.

1st July — made the website mobile functional. compatible? not friendly. it works on mobile. also edited the update page to contain updates per month, and eventually it'll be per year.


30th June — two new links added to the social section on the links page. new divider section added to the graphics page, including a divider i made for myself of my two rat babies: Lucky and Curt. also i edited the index and home pages a little, nothing major.

29th June — moved over my graphics tutorials from old site to nekoweb :D !! updated about section.

29th June — added three new links to the links page. one for coding, one for audio/video, and one for social. also added some new pixels to the graphics page.

28th June — remade my index what else is new. prev code will be posted at some point. picked curt up today, he peed on me. picked lucky up, he was a nice boy.

27th June — new achievement unlocked, new diary entry. minor spelling edits.

26th June — also added two new scripts, for the calendar and time. as well as adding the links to where i got them to the links page !!

26th June — removed the pics page for [REDCATED] reasons. planning on adding an art page soon.

24th June — new achievement unlocked.

23rd June — added a new template code.

23rd June — edited every single iframe page css but now it's all consistent thank god.

23rd June — new index blah blah. maybe this one will last more than a month. minor edits await, but everything works for now. will get my previous code posted as a template when i can !!

22nd June — new poll is live !!!! go vote for what social media to kill !!! i also added a results box under the poll that tells you which option won the previous poll, as well as linking to an image with all the response percentages !! your vote matters !!

21st June — minor edits to diary pages for spelling n stuff, added new gamelog in media, and a new tutorial for redirecting sites.

20th June — new diary entry and... something else... i forgot... oh !! new achievement unlocked.

18th June — added new pixels to the graphics page (and a new section titled edited) as well as a new dream diary entry !!

15th June — new diary entry regarding template code.

11th June — added a new diary entry, a new purchase entry, and various other small fixes.

10th June — i made a mini clique !! also, i made my website as mobile friendly as possible lol...

9th June — added my VNDB page, a database of every VN i've played, and i will continue to add to it as if it were my media log. tbh i think i missed some... i just added the ones i immediately remembered !!

8th June — moved temps and tuts to this site, also manifesto and links. minor edits throughout pages.

7th June — added some purchases, and made minor edits to the cookbook. oh, i also added a new chat box. also also edited this update box to make it read easier.

6th June — remade, um... literally everying LOL. i also made some completely new pages, such as the media, cookbook, and buy pages.