
welcome to my templates page! i just have a few things to share with you before we get into the templates themselves, if that's okay?

1. Obligatory: I do not claim that the code displayed here is "easy", or even "good". It's simply code that I've used and has worked well for me, so there's likely issues with it regardless! remember: im sharing this for free, so be kind.

2. I don't require credit at all. Whether you credit me or not is up to you, and as such, I haven't included a single coded credit within my templates. There is credit commented in the code, but I encourage you to remove this if you'd like! The internet, in my opinion, is for sharing. It feels a bit pompous for me to require credit for something I'd like to share with others (just personally speaking!).

3. Feel free to copy my code from any of my other pages! I highly encourage sharing with others through inspecting element on my site and taking what you want/need!

4. Edit, remove, add to, change, etc, whatever you'd like to any of the code here! The net is yours, do what you want and have fun with it!

5. Reminder: While my stance on credit etc is as shown above, others will likely have different approaches to sharing with others. Please abide by their rules, and do not take my stance as a catch all stance.

oh, and the live previews will show up in a new tab !!


rice on nekoweb recently posted a template and it inspired me a lot !! so this is the result :D

Posted: July 14th 2024
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i made this instead of fulfilling other obligations. thats all.

Posted: July 10th 2024
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just sharing my previous index code because i love you :D hope you find it useful!

Posted: June 23rd 2024
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my first template uploaded since returning to the net! yippee!! it's just my current layout, and im a really lazy coder so im not sure how clean/good it is. but it works for me, so maybe you can get it to work for you!

Posted: May 13th 2024
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I remade my index on a whim and within 2 hours I had this template. I cleaned it up and stripped it down and added comments so that I can share it with you all! Mobile optimisation included, as well as it looking the same on both Firefox and Chrome. Zooming in or out doesn't break anything.

Posted: August 26th 2023
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This template was made simply because I wanted to make something really cute and really pink. That's it. I ended up heavily editing it to use for my current (4th Aug 2023) index page anyway, but this version is just too cute...

Posted: August 4th 2023
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Loved using the scanlines effect for my (7th July 2023) gamelog page so I thought I'd post a version for everyone :D ALSO: this one comes with mobile compatibility! Wahoo!

Posted: July 30th 2023
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More testing out grids, and as of July 1st 2023 this layout is my current index page!

Posted: July 1st 2023
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Originally I was wanting to learn how to use grids in HTML, and then I wanted to make a new gamelog page. And then I thought: welp, might as well share this one too!

Posted: Jun 15th 2023
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My very first template! I cleaned this code up for a friend and stripped it down a lot to be provided as a base. Personally, I've added a lot to it to use it as my current layout.

Posted: Jun 10th 2023
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