
compiled here are some general recommendations i'd like to make to you, the reader. they're seperated into different categories, but all of them are things i love/use and would like to share with everyone!

psst: you can click the sub links within the categories to go to a specific section!

TECH 8BitDo Controllers / Epson Printer

8BitDo Controllers

"Zero 2"


"Lite 2"

the Zero 2 is on top, and the Lite 2 is on the bottom!

the perfect funky little controller duo. i made a blog post about them in may 2024 if you'd like to have a read! i highly recommend these controllers (the Zero 2 for PC, and the Lite 2 for switch!!) to anyone with tiny baby hands like me, or to a controller enthusiast who is looking for something new. also, if you're curious about what other controller designs exist outwith the big companies, then 8bitdo has a lot to offer you at a super reasonable price!

Epson Printer

"Epson Expression Photo XP-970"

i originally bought this printer so that i could make at home art prints and zines, and lemme tell you... it was fucking worth it!!!

to be honest, i was a little scared when it came to buying a printer. every single person i spoke to about the topic had a different opinion, and in the end i decided to buy one that was simply in my budget and not care about the reviews. and im so glad that i did that, because i have absolutely zero complaints about this printer; except... i had to manually input data for an A5 size paper? because otherwise the printer didn't recognise the paper i had put in it... but other than that, it's worked flawlessly!

the prints it makes are perfect! supreme quiality, especially if you use glossy paper with it! i've had so much fun downloading scanned in movie/game posters and just printing them at home, as well as making art prints for my eventual shop and gifting friends and family with pretty pictures!

highly recommend if you wanna i dunno... print art/photographs from home? download old video game manuals and print them yourself to keep at home copies? if you need a printer of high quality, art quality, then this one will not let you down!

AUTISM Noise Cancelling Headset

Noise Cancelling Headset

"Vanderfields Adult Ear Defenders"

when it comes to going outside, i struggle a lot with all of the noise as an autistic individual. it's all a bit too much sometimes... but i also hate the feeling of earbuds being in my ears, so i knew i could never try those... what are they called... loops? the buds with ads everywhere?

cue the search for something bigger and more heavy duty! this is where my Vanderfields come into play! they completely encase my ears without giving me the icky feeling of something being inside of them, and i find that the slight pressure they offer from the snug fit around my ears is comforting! as well as comfortable.

i can still hear things when i have my headset on, which is important to me. i usually wear them when i go shopping with my family for groceries, which is a very noisy environment that i otherwise can't stand, but even when i wear my headset i can still hear my family speaking to me!

sometimes, when it's too noisy at home or i need a break from noise in general such as to focus, i will wear them. especially at night, where any sort of noise bothers me; i can sleep very comfortably with this headset on during the night! sometimes i wake up and my headset is still on lol...

do you or someone you know struggle with noise? this could be a greate fit for you/them! especially if you hate things being in your ears like i do. it's comfortable to wear, reduces a lot of noise, allows me to still hear important details like my family talking, and allows me to go outside! all around a 10/10 product for me, as it allows me to do things i usually find very difficult!

GAMING Spirit City: Lofi Sessions

Productivity Game

"Spirit City: Lofi Sessions "

do you struggle when it comes to focus? do you find it difficult to stay productive? then maybe give Spirit City: Lofi Sessions a try! it has certainly helped me with these issues, so i think it's worthwhile checking it out!

the "game" comes with various things included. it's sort of a glorified tracker? in that, there is a habit tracker, timer, checklist, and diary within the app, so that you can keep track of everything you have to do in one single place, which i find super helpful!

there is also a built in radio with the possibility to search up youtube songs/playlists if you'd prefer! also, the game comes pre-packaged with sounds, such as rain, fire, wind, pink, white, and brown noise, and many more! i always like to play my favourite youtube playlist at the time, and add rain, fire, and vinyl sounds to the mix! super relaxing, and really helps me focus on what i need to get done so that i can completely another checklist mark!

the game is also just very cute. there's a lot of character and room customisation, and some gameified elements such as being able to unlock pets/companions to sit with you as you focus on your tasks!

really, it's a nice companion app for when i really need to focus for some time. having all the sounds, the music, the checklist, and the timers in one place has helped me start and finish tasks much more easily than i did before this game!

im not claiming it's a one size fits all hack, but it has helped me, so i wanted to share it just in case it might help you!