photo album

pictures of my life, please handle with care !!

Lucky and Curt !!

AKA: the boys, little ratscals

my two baby boys, a pair of albino rats who are just the best of friends !! Lucky is a shy, relaxed little man, whereas Curt is a lot more adventurous, skittish, and active. together they make such a cute pair, don't you think? they're named after my two favourite animal crossing characters !! their brithday is May 12 2024 !!

Lucky is the one with discolouration all over, and Curt is the mostly white with a brown head and stripe down his back !!

lucky snoozing all by himself... i think curt got a fright and was hiding in his preferred house hehe !!

the boys are hanging out !!

Flóki !!

AKA: the big baby, gayboy, da baby, baby boy, ugly, FlókiBoy, drama queen

he is my moms dog, but he views me as his second mom !! Floki is such a colourful character, he's very vocal and knows exactly what he wants all the time !! a very friendly boy who isn't afraid to stand up for himself if need be. he's really affectionate, loving, and loves giving and getting kisses from everyone !! his birthday is July 17th 2021.

he is a working cocker spaniel !!

he's a gamer !!!

Despite everything, it's still you...

AKA: neet, mimi, smellily

here lies edited pictures of me, myself, and my loved ones. i want to keep select memories here while still remaining anonymous enough. if you know what i really look like, it's because you are a beloved in my life. otherwise, please enjoy this brief look at choice moments of my life !!

its me from in the hospital !! for those who don't know, im quite a sickly person... it's why i'm a neet !! but i had a bad 4 months last october, november, december, and january, that had me in hospital various times... im doing ok now though !!