about me

curious, are you ?

you can call me neet, or mimi !! im an adult, from Scotland, and use any pronouns !!

a self proclaimed fujoshi, an acclaimed fanfic author, a willing neet, a participating otaku, a part time coder, and an all round sharer of things !!

likes: visual novels, RPG maker games, romantasy novels, baking, cows, angels, anime, manga, BL, coffee, vocaloid, etc !!

im autistic, so please keep this in mind when interacting with me. especially when it regards tone and jokes. i tend to be a rather bad typer/speller too, despite english being my first language, so please be patient with me, thank you !!

i won't be listing what i dislike because that's boring.

about site

it's fun keeping one.

seriously though, i want to express myself on a smaller, more personal, less interesting site. here, this is me. this is mine. as much as this place is mine, it's also yours too !! i have included a section of links titled for you where you can find plenty goodies to the right !!

take your time, and enjoy your stay here.